living sculpture 2015
expanded self II
Expanded self II explicitly depicts and shows the human marvel: we, humans, are ‘a semi-continuous spectrum of interactive bacterial nations’(1), as we have ten times more bacterial cells than human cells both in and on us. Suddenly, we realize that the form we are witnessing is not cast as a unique piece, but results from the accumulation of the tiniest particles: micro-organisms that co-habit and guide the human body. The potential of bacteria as co-operative companions can be re-imagined and we can explore the implications for larger processes of cultural significance.
The project was realized for the exhibition ' Gare du Nord', which was initiated by Chiara Ianeselli and developed with Lucas Evers of the Waag Society.
[1]Reg Morrison comments on Margulis/ Sagan 2007.
The project was realized for the exhibition ' Gare du Nord', which was initiated by Chiara Ianeselli and developed with Lucas Evers of the Waag Society.
[1]Reg Morrison comments on Margulis/ Sagan 2007.
- photographer
- Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk (image 2), Amsterdam, 2015
Musrara Mix festival (image 3), body part, Jerusalem 2016 - support
- Erich Schopf
Waag Society
Austrian Embassy The Hague